Email Appending



Your file is matched against our permission-based email databases. The email address provided will be for the contact listed on your database or not another random person that works for their company.

To further increase your results, we also offer a domain pattern matching process. This program will first identify the email domain for the company listed on your input file. Then using reference databases, the program will identify the email naming convention for that company (ie: firstname.lastname@ or firstname@). Once the naming convention has been determined, the email address for your business customer is output. ​

Once all the data processing is complete, a welcome email is sent to your business customers. This email introduces online communications from you and gives them a chance to opt-out.

After completion of the entire program, the enhanced file is returned to you. You're now ready to increase your results by taking advantage of multi-channel marketing strategies.


You only pay for e-mail addresses that are successfully appended, deliverable, and have received an opt-out message and decided not to unsubscribe from your e-mail list.

* 100% opt-in all emails are permission-based
* High Match Rates
* Over 35% to 80%+
* Your Investment
* Pay only for successful appended and delivered email addresses
* Quality Control
* Performs all CASS standardization and customer matching in-house
* No Middleman
* Execute email append matching via our in-house database
* 5 days Guarantee
* We guarantee deliverability of e-mails
* Fast Turnaround
* Receive your match report within 48 hours!
* Free Match Test
* No obligation to determine the results you would receive

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